Month: January 2004

A Witness Of Hope

As a child growing up in the former Soviet Union, Nickolas was the only one in his school who refused to join the political group for young people. Because of his faith in God, he was singled out for ridicule, given bad grades he did not deserve, and denied a recommendation to the university. Despite the opposition, he persisted, and in later years he led some of his persecutors to trust in Jesus Christ. Now he is the pastor of a thriving church in Belarus.

What Do You Seek?

How would you answer if Jesus were to ask you, "What do you seek?" (John 1:38). Would you ask Him for health and fitness? A better job? A happier marriage? Financial security? Vindication from a false accusation? Salvation for a wayward loved one? An explanation of some difficult theological concept?

Limitation Or Advantage?

We've been taught that when we ask God for something through prayer, His answer may be yes, no, or wait. We're told that even no is an answer, though obviously not the one we may want. It certainly wasn't the answer Paul wanted when he begged God three times to remove his "thorn in the flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7-8).

A Work Of Peace

The small church in Umbarger, Texas, was an unlikely place for an international work of art. But toward the end of World War II, seven Italian prisoners of war, who were being held at a large camp nearby, were chosen to help decorate the church's plain brick walls.

Reality Or Illusion?

I had just started to back the van away from the loading area. In my rearview mirror I saw two semi trucks side by side. I had plenty of clearance. Just then it appeared that one of the trucks was moving into my path. I stopped. But then I realized that the other truck was actually backing up, creating the illusion that the standing semi was moving forward.

Shopping Strategy

"I have no pleasure in you." This was the Lord's stinging rebuke to His people through the prophet Malachi (1:10). God was angry with their careless, shoddy methods of worship. The animals they brought for sacrifice were not acceptable to Him because they were not the best of the herds and flocks. Instead, they offered stolen, lame, and sick animals (v.13).

Nothing But The Truth

Years ago I read some unusual and humorous explanations for auto accidents. The following are just a few that people submitted to an insurance company:

Let's Not Kid Ourselves

A child was told by his mother, "Go look in the mirror and wash your face." He insisted, "I already have!" But she replied, "You're only kidding yourself!" His dirty face proved to her that if he really had looked in the mirror, he ignored what it revealed. He may have seen the truth about himself, but he didn't act on it.

In The Morning

Are you so rushed during the day that you find it hard to take even a few minutes to spend with God? Many people set aside time in the early morning before they get caught up in the hectic pace of the day.